21 Mar 2024, 16:00-18:00
Camera di Commercio
Via Garibaldi 4 - Genoa, Italy

TrendTalk on Critial Raw Materials

The coordinator of the GR4FITE3 project will participate as a speaker in the critical raw materials discussion organized by the University of Genoa.

The TrendTalk on Energy Transition is an event organized by the Starting Finance Club of the University of Genoa. This format aims to foster transparent discussions on future-shaping trends.

The event, held on March 21st at the Camera di Commercio in Genoa, will focus on critical materials for energy transition and electric vehicles. Participants engage in debates moderated by industry experts, sharing insights and forecasts. Attendees also have the chance to pose questions, enhancing their understanding of the topics discussed.

Among the speakers, Nora Ganzinelli (RINA-C), the GR4FITE3 project coordinator.

Register by scanning the QR code in the image below.

This event will be conducted in Italian.


Featured image B. P. Tagalog via Unsplash

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